Saturday, August 31, 2019

Testing Plan for Video Compression, Decompression and Execution

11.2 ) Video: Software testing is the of import to accomplish the quality of the package been developed. It is used to look into application faculty or the package that fulfill the demand of the terminal user. Testing is related to two other procedures like confirmation and proof. Confirmation: gives verification specification. Validation: gives verification necessities. 9.1.1 ) Trial Plan: Trial program is doing the planning of the overall package. It will run into all the demand for existent clip processing. Quality confidence should be organize by look intoing each and every functionality. Besides trial program includes followingTest category to be testedOperation property to be testedTest eventTesting environmentTest out of scopeTrial agenda9.2 ) Testing Technique: A Technique has been used are as follows by black box testing and white box testing. It detects the mistake programmed ; keep truth, completeness and scalability of application developed is called testing. 9.2.1 ) BLACK BOX Testing: A proving which concentrates merely on functional demands of application or package is called as a Black-box testing or behavioural testing. Black-box proving efforts to bring outInaccurate or omitted mapsInterface mistakesMistakes related to informations constructions or external informations base entreeBehavior or public presentation mistakesLow-level formatting and expiration mistakes.In this thesis: Black box proving includes acquiring petition from client is proper or non as per client petition waiter acknowledge. Server indexing client requested informations in database. Indexed information is proper or non, directing of byte by byte informations to buffer is maintain the indexing sequence or non. This sort of proving performed in black box testing. 9.2.2 ) WHITE BOX Testing: White box testing is nil but the complementary to black box proving. The internal execution of application can be tested by this testing.Buffer storage compress informations that acquiring from database, It is relevant or non. If there are losing index than the informations content may be alteration. So, will prove informations compressed in buffer is right indexed or non.Executor extract theoretical account, position and control stage, tested is there are any lost informations or non.Controling informations stored in impermanent memory, after completion of send requested informations to client commanding informations is removed or non.Sending clip informations compressed utilizing Huffman algorithm.Retrieved informations is right or non.Client retrieve informations after 2 clip decompress informations. After decompressed existent informations got by client or non.9.3 ) Testing Scheme: Testing is an effectual conductivity of antecedently planned activities. A scheme for package proving must supply adjustment for low-level trials that are necessary to verify that a little unit of application has been right implemented every bit good as high-ranking trials that validate major system maps against client demands. Testing schemes can be classified as follows. 9.3.1 ) Unit of measurement: Unit of measurement proving considers package constituent or faculty as a smallest testable piece of package. It takes the constituent or faculty of testable package in the application, separate it from the balance of the codification. Then it verifies whether it works as you expect. This type of proving can be done on multiple faculties in analogue. It is white box oriented, as it is used to verify the control flow and informations flow. 9.3.2 ) Integration Testing: It is a logical extension of faculty or constituent testing. It chiefly focuses on happening defects which chiefly arise because of uniting assorted constituents for proving. Integration proving purposes at constructing a plan construction by taking integrity tested faculties. It conducts trial to uncover mistakes associated with interfacing. Once we have finished with unit proving, following undertaking is to execute incorporate proving. Unit tested faculties are taken and assemble together and execute incorporate proving. In this proving one or more faculties are tested at a clip w.r.t their functionality. 9.3.3 ) SYSTEM Testing: It verifies the full merchandise, after uniting all package and hardware constituents and validates it harmonizing to original undertaking demands. The chief purpose of system proving is to accomplish a successful execution of the computing machine based system utilizing sequence of trials. In the peculiar each trial may hold different intents but purpose behind all is verify the combination and working of system elements. 9.4 ) Trial Case: Some conditions or variables which followed by examiner to measure the effectivity of any application or system called as Test instances. It may be a individual measure, or multiple stairss, to guarantee the rightness of an application. A predictable consequence or result is can be shown as follows. Table 9.4 show the trial instance for the proposed system, as table follow by the trial instance name, measure require to acquire expected consequence, expected consequence from the proposed system, an existent how system response and in conclusion comment for trial instance to be base on balls or fail.Test Case No.Test Case NameStairssExpected ConsequenceActual ConsequenceRemarkCase 1Client RequestStore informations in server client can bespeak merely for those informations.Request accept by waiter and acknowledgeRequest accepted by waiter and acknowledge to client.Base on ballsCase 2Server informations indexingServer shop informations in database as per client petition database indexing those informations.Indexing as per the existent sequence of picture fileIndexed picture file to direct informations to buffer as per existent sequence of picture fileBase on ballsCase 3Buffer acquire informations from database as per indexedDatabase send informations to the buffer in bytesData infusion in byte format for buffer procedureData extracted in byte format and send to bufferBase on ballsCase 4Compress informations in bufferBuffer compacting informations that got from databaseCompress Data as per acquiring byte from databaseCompressed Datas that got from database in bytesBase on ballsCase 5Extracting theoretical account, position and command portion from tight picture file in bytesExecutor extract theoretical account, position and accountant information and those information shop in array of bytesExtraction of 3 parts and measure theoretical account and position portion to direct to the clientExtract merely view portion there are no any back land sound consequenceFailCase 6Extracting theoretical account, position and command portion from byte codification of picture fileIn executor utilizing FuzzyMVC algorithm to pull out theoretical account, position and command portionExtract Model, position and command portion from picture file in byte formatExtracted theoretical account, position and accountantBase on ballsCase 7Storing control portion informations as a impermanent fileStore Control information from picture in buffer for impermanentImpermanent storage of control portion and take that storage infinite after com pletion of dealingStoring control portion informations as a impermanent file but did non take after dealing completionFailCase 8Storing control portion informations as a impermanent fileShop information from picture in buffer for impermanentImpermanent storage of control portion and take that occupied infinite after completion of client receivingStoring informations of control file as a impermanent information and take that informations utilizing buffer algorithmBase on ballsCase 9Sending extracted theoretical account and position portion to the clientStoring control information from picture file and direct theoretical account and position portion to the clientSend theoretical account and position portion to the clientSent information continuously to the clientBase on ballsCase 10Decompress accepted informationsClient need to uncompress informations that got from waiterGZip algorithm is used for compress and decompress, Decompression of informationsDecompressed informations and got existent consequence without deformationBase on ballsTable – 9.4: Trial instances 10.1 ) RESULT Analysis: For ciphering the public presentation of proposed system and besides doing comparative analysis with the consequence been generated from the experimental rating.Compaction Comparison: Figure – 10.1 ( a ) : Compaction ComparisonRMI Compress TimeSimple compress TimeArray size0.080.082220.0820.089450.0940.1600.10.11700.1100.1275Decompression Comparison: Figure – 10.1 ( B ) Decompression ComparisonGZIP Decompress TimeSimple Decompress TimeArray Size0.0220.022220.0230.0232450.0280.03600.0520.054700.0560.058575Transmission of informations utilizing J2ME RMI ( Between 2 machines ) Figure – 10.1 ( degree Celsius ) : Transmission of Data utilizing J2ME RMI J2ME RMI ( Between 2 machine )Simple transmissionthrough IP referenceArray Size0.630.66220.6560.695450.7420.776600.7930.811700.82140.84175 Transmission of informations utilizing J2ME RMI ( Using 1 machines ) : Figure – 10.1 ( vitamin D ) : Data transmittal in individual machineJ2ME RMI ( one machine )Simple transmittal through socketArray Size0.6420.644220.7850.789400.8310.862600.8850.89700.9180.93475Comparison of Proposed System with Current System. Figure – 10.1 ( vitamin E ) : Proposed system and Youtube comparingProposed System Time TakingYouTube Time TakingArray Size1.00211.032221.0311.082401.4231.48601.6021.637801.81.841001.861.891201.921.961402.0032.151602.4232.5012002.6542.75622011.1 ) Main: Figure-11.1: Main GUI 11.2 ) Video: Figure- 11.2: Video choice 11.3 ) VIDEO PLAYER ( Small size picture ) : Figure – 11.3 ( a ) : Small size picture participant Figure – 11.3 ( B ) : HD picture participant 11.4 ) AUDIO Choice: Figure – 11.4 ( a ) : Audio choice Figure – 11.4 ( B ) : Audio PlayerDecision:This research proposed an offloading picture compaction, decompression and executing of picture at server side. Compaction utilizing Gzip method is more effectual than any other compression techniques. Gzip usage Quad tree method every bit good as Huffman algorithm to compact the information utilizing this sort of compaction of informations we can state that information is more confidential while directing from waiter to client. Proposed system usage buffer storage. It will bring informations from database in bytes, compress informations and send to the executor for farther procedure. Buffer storage usage Data buffer algorithm to hive away informations and direct informations as per demand to executor. Executor extract theoretical account, position and command portion from picture file and direct theoretical account and position portion to the requested client and shop control portion as a impermanent information. This proposed system is more confidential than any other unrecorded cyclosis of picture or any other picture downloader. Proposed system is taking less clip than any other system for unrecorded cyclosis or download. When we are directing theoretical account, position and command portion together to any client at that clip command portion taking more clip to put to death. But, with this proposed system we are covering merely with theoretical account and position portion. 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No.Title of PaperName of WritersName of the Journal / Publication / ConferenceVolume / Iss ue /DateImpact Factor1.Performance Impact Analysis of Application Implemented on Active Storage FrameworkRaj Makwana, NaveenKumar J. , Prof. D.M.Thakore, Prof. S.D.JoshiInternational Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering ( IJARCSSE )Volume 5, Issue 2, 28ThursdayFebruary 2015 ISSN: 2277 128X pp. 550-554,2.52.Offloading compaction and decompression logic closer to video files utilizing Remote Procedure CallRaj Makwana, NaveenKumar J. , Prof. D.M.Thakore, Prof. S.D.JoshiInternational Journal of computing machine Engineering and Technology ( IJCET )Volume 6, Issue 3, 30ThursdayMarch 2015, pp. 37-45 ISSN 0976 – 6367 ( Print ) ISSN 0976 – 6375 ( Online )8.9Maestro Of Technology Dissertation, 2014-2015Page 1

Friday, August 30, 2019

Fedex Internal Analysis Essay

* History Founded by Frederick W. Smith, FedEx Express was established in 1973 and it has grown rapidly. Smith had the idea of creating a company that would deliver mail all over the United States over night. His idea was to fly mail from one location to another at night because the traffic is better and packages could be sorted, distributed and out of its original location faster. Delivering to over 220 countries and territories, FedEx today is a big global industry with a vast network worldwide. The company that started as a laid out in an economics class today is one of the biggest mail distribution corporations known by all customers as the company that â€Å"send shipment overnight† (FedEx,2013). * Employment Employing more than 245,000 workers, contractors, pilots and operational personnel, FedEx is a corporation proud of its employees. FedEx creates opportunities not only for their full time employees but the company also hires college students as part time employees. It not only provides the college students a flexible job but it also helps FedEx cut costs, especially because the corporation is not unionized except for their pilots that are associated with the ALPA. FedEx not only employees in the United States, but it also employees overseas and 13 percent of its current employees are international. * Organizational Structure The FedEx Corporation like many others is structure with a CEO, CFO, Market Development and Corporate Communications VP, Chief Information Officer, General Counsel and Secretary. Each subdivision of FedEx has a CEO, current David J. Bronczek is the CEO for the FedEx Express subdivision. Frederick W. Smith remains in the main position of President and CEO of the company as a whole (FexEx, 2013). * Location FedEx main headquarters is in Memphis, Tennessee and the company has also another four headquarters which are located in Ontario, Canada; Guangzhou, China; Miami, Florida; Brussels, Belgium. FedEx also has more than 46,000 drop-off locations all over the country and many other regional hubs to help short and deliver packages. * Capacity Utilizing a hub-and-spoke sorting and distribution system FedEx Express and FedEx ground have the capacity to process 15,000 to 20,000 packages daily. The technology utilized in its 29 hubs helps to speed the process and make it more effective. Operating 675 aircrafts and 75,000 motorized vehicles worldwide, FedEx has the capacity to utilize its transportations and guarantee delivery within 24 to 48 hours. * Internal Policies and Internal Culture FedEx has been known for its outstanding Human Resources programs. The company implemented a no-lay-off policy, minority recruitment efforts, and guaranteed fair treatment practice within the organization. The company’s dedication to its employees and the technology acquired to make employees job more efficient helps empower workers. FedEx has a traditional culture where the company is centralized and very well structured. The most important component of the company is the people and that’s why their philosophy is â€Å"People-Service-Profit†. Market * Market segmentation FedEx target all ages in the market, the service is offered to everyone that needs packages delivered in a short amount of time. Service is offered to all the population in the United States and other countries. Home delivery is a great option for those who are unable to go to a FedEx store. Businesses that are in need of faster document deliveries is also benefited by FedEx because the lines in the stores are normally shorter that the regular UPS stores. Value chain analysis By offering so many options and convenience to customers FedEx has been creating value to the firm’s process. The three overnight options is an example of this value being built to the organization. Customers can choose a First Overnight, Priority Overnight, and Standard Overnight, depending on their necessity. SameDay service is offered as well if packages are up to 70 pounds. FedEx has become the second-largest ground small-package carrier in North America because of its service and its quality. Company current strategy * Generic Strategy One of the things FedEx does to cut cost is hire college students as part time employees and because of the high turnover they don’t need to unionize. FedEx also differentiate from offering home service to customers. For a small fee they can come to your house to pick up the package for you. All the work customers have to do is to get the package ready. This creates convince for customers without leaving their homes. * Corporate Strategy FedEx implemented a customer service-driven strategy to ensure and outstanding customer experience. The implementation of this strategy complements the core value of the organization which is to create a positive customer experience. The strategy has three main components to it. First is putting the customer at the heart of everything they do, second is having outside organizations measure consumer, peer, and industry satisfaction and third is to deliver a positive experience to customers, employees, and communities. Company’s current financial performance * Ratio Analysis In 2012 FedEx had a total current asset of $9,056,000 and a total current liability of 5,347,000. Those numbers led FedEx to a 1.7:1 liquidity ratio (Yahoo Finance). Since 2010 according to yahoo finance we can see that FedEx has more current assets that current liabilities. Currently FedEx holds a profit margin of 4.53 percent turning it into net income and operating margin of 7.35 percent (Yahoo Finance) * Trend Analyses On the last three years according to financial statements, balance sheets and cash flow FedEx profits have been increasing. The company have been making more investments and increasing its assets as well. Industry comparison When comparing FedEx with UPS we can see that the market capital of FedEx of $31.39 billion is smaller than USP of $76.56 billion, however it is higher when compared to the industry which is 923.76 million. FedEx also has a higher number of employees compared to UPS. When comparing revenue and net income, FedEx is still behind UPD by a significant amount of money. As we can see FedEx has been growing and expanding in the market however UPS is still leading the market of group postal service (Yahoo Finance). (Yahoo Finance) Core competencies based on key resources and capabilities Based on the financial statements revised about and the history of the company FedEx does have sustainable competencies and have sustainable competitive advantage in the industry. As mentioned before FedEx core values are focused on the customers and the corporation is trying to deliver a positive experience to customers. Being the second largest ground shipment corporation in the US is alone a sustainable advantage for FedEx. Assessment of Internal Environment * Valuable FedEx is a valuable corporation that has been in the market for many years. It’s loyalty to employees creates a better work environment and helps the organization to be recognized for its values and culture. The service FedEx provides to customers is also essential to everyday life. The commodity it offers and the speediness is convenient not only for individuals but also for many businesses. * Rare The company has some rare aspects to it. The idea of having so many hubs and aircrafts makes the company unique and efficient. Offering SameDay service is a rare option that guarantees service done on time for customers. Also the different options of night shipment and guaranteed money back if package is not delivered on time are a great options and security for customers. * Difficult to imitate The business is not difficult to imitate, the difficulty is the competition and the ability to do make the business successful. It takes time to build relationship and trust with customers and in the economy we live in today it becomes very difficult for businesses to expand as fast as FedEx did. FedEx is substitutable due to the fact that there are other options in the market for customers. However the convenience and practically of its service can possibly be non-substitutable. References FedEx Corporation, 2013. FedEx history. Retrieved from FedEx Corporation, 2013. Executive biographies. Retrieved from Yahoo, 2013. Key statistics. Retrieved from Yahoo, 2013. Competitors. Retrieved from Yahoo, 2013. Balance Sheet. Retrieved from Yahoo, 2013. Income Statement. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

CJ 450 Counterterrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CJ 450 Counterterrorism - Essay Example Arguably there are various reasons for terrorism attacks and hence each motive requires different approach to tackling terrorism. Some of the reasons include political conflict, religious clashes, gaining publicity and in some cases divine instruction to conduct terrorist attacks. (Victoroff, 2006). The terrorist believe that such motives justify their actions although many will agree that there is no justification to terrorism whichever way we look at it. For example the September 11 attack was fuelled by religious motives and political motives. When governments or those in authority understand the motives behind terrorist attacks then they can forge on in their efforts to reduce these tensions and dissatisfactions in an intelligent way hence counter terrorism. It seems that counter terrorism is a tactic of warfare. These efforts are usually retaliation with equal or greater force as applied y terrorist in order to disempower them. Often than not counterterrorism efforts will include the military and the police force that wage war against these organizations. Although the idea is to fight crime, innocent civilians may suffer in the process. The role of due process in counter terrorism is that both parties feel that they are entitled to use force in fighting for their ideologies (political or otherwise). The victims feel a need to avenge wrongs and in effect the problem doubles in the long run. In fact one of the implications of characterizing terrorists as the enemy rather than mere criminals is that it breeds ground for wa r. Question 2 Due to the sophistication of technology surveillance has changed from the traditional way to a new surveillance. The new system of surveillance includes monitoring inside activities of terrorist groups through satellites monitoring, or spying. Additionally, eavesdropping communication, tapping wire money transfers to trace terrorist funding etc. (Clarke & Newman, 2006). The ideal surveillance technique would be one where the counter terrorism units would gain clandestine sources within the terrorist groups or cells but this situation is almost impossible since these groups tend to be so close knit and bond by strong allegiances. (Clarke & Newman, 2006). It seems that the shift from traditional surveillance methods to the new type has had problematic effect in the civil liberties of the people of United States in that their communication is often been intercepted as the authorities try to trace terrorist linkages. In this light privacy has been infringed on. Additionally, surveillance has had negative connotation to discrimination especially for communities that are associated with terrorist groups. For instance in some place Muslims and Arabs are frown upon and are seen as potential threats due to association with al-Qaeda and Taliban groups. More to that the frequent travel advisories and terrorist alerts instill fear in the lives of people hence multiplying the power that terrorist groups have over the people in US. This denies such communities freedom of movements and enjoyment of life. The quality of life has been reduced to that of slavery like nature. It therefore seems that the counter terrorism efforts have to strike a balance between protecting the liberties of the people and preventing further terrorist attacks. (Meggle, 2005). Notably in order to achieve this all stakeholders have to echo what is important to them. Freedom or security. Nonetheless, even

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Global Marketplaces and Business Centers Research Paper

Global Marketplaces and Business Centers - Research Paper Example With advances in information technology, there have been lower costs to communicate and interact across national and international boundaries. This has seen many businesses facing the potential to expand and increase their markets into other foreign countries. With information technology, it has been possible to transfer resources, materials, and capital to wherever they are likely to yield the highest profits (Buono 29). The term ‘business center’ has a number of meanings. A business centre may be defined as a popular place in which many businesses are able to rent rooms for events, meetings or offices. A business centre is also part of a town, city, country, or region where the main business activities and premises such as banks, shopping malls, factories, or offices are located. In business centers, there are usually a lot of financial and business activities. Business centres usually represent places where business professionals, large companies, and other small busi ness are able to operate from. These centres usually provide businesses with conference rooms, space to operate, office equipment, telecommunication services, support staff, and other amenities necessary for businesses to be conducted smoothly. The two terms are sometimes used to refer to places, regions, or countries that are well known business destinations (Porter 56). Global marketplaces and business centres can be assessed by looking at how the world’s GDP is shared. According to statistics appearing in the 2006 World Bank Development Report (292-300), the United States has 29% of the world’s GDP, the European Union 31%, Japan 11%, Canada 2%, and the rest of the world 27% as of 2004. The global marketplaces of North America include United States, the Caribbean countries, Central American countries, Greenland and Mexico. All these countries have a population of over 507 million people who produce close to 33% of the world’s total output. The US had the large st economy of $ 40.9 trillion GDP in 2004. Another global marketplace worth mentioning is Canada. It population is about 32 million, and it is a major exporter since its exports account for close to its GDP of 37% realized in 2004 which amounted to $ 980 billion (Rosenblooum 78). Western Europe consists of nations which are among the most successful, and attract the highest number of businesses and business ventures. The Western European countries have wealthy people who can buy many products from other marketplaces. Western European countries that make up global market places are divided into members of the European Union. It also consists of other countries that belong to the region. Some of these countries that are global marketplaces within Western Europe include Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and other like Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland (Hofstede 77). Eastern and Central Europe also have many countries that are considered global marketplaces and business centres. The c ountries that make up global marketplaces in Central Europe include Romania, Poland, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Austria, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, and Bosnia. The countries in Eastern Europe that are known to be global marketplaces are the 15 countries that were formed as a result of the Soviet Union’s disintegration. These regions have undergone numerous economic, political, and social changes during the past decade to be where they are today. Most of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Video paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Video - Term Paper Example The one point is clear: â€Å"now there is no concerned national response for climate change†. No, the video didn’t sway me regarding my opinion, as there are lots of neosporimih facts, which prove that global warming is an ecological problem. Sure, carbon dioxide is a â€Å"plant food†, but still while deforestation takes place, carbon dioxide emissions only increase. Sceptics call it â€Å"life†, but I consider that that is pollution. Though I believe that the issue of global warming has already become an instrument of political manipulation, I don’t think that initially â€Å"was not based on science but was a political consensus, which included a number of scientists†. Skeptics had found the seats at the table, and one of them was Myron Ebel, who was acting on a broad strategy by his action plan â€Å"Victory Will Be achieved† in order to make public recognize uncertainties in climate science. State Senator David Rouzer considers that climate of the Earth is changing from the wery beginning of the world, so it is difficult to continue coastline study and define the correlation between climate change, global warming and sea-level change. Nevertheless, when cap-and-trade came up for a vote in the House in 2009, it passed, with eight Republicans on board and was supported by President Barack Obama. Sen. John Kerry also took part in coming to an uneasy consensus, that â€Å"galvanized the action of people who opposite it†. I consider that Administration shouldn’t ignore the problem of global warming. In addition, there should be taken some actions in order to protect America’s citizens from the consequences of climate change. Finally, as â€Å"now there is no concerned national response for climate change†, something should be done on international level. US Administration should cooperate with governments and scientist of other countries in order to prove the existence and that to solve the problems of global

Monday, August 26, 2019

Explain Einsteins theory of relativity and its impact upon science and Essay

Explain Einsteins theory of relativity and its impact upon science and society - Essay Example He treated matter and energy as exchangeable, not distinct. In doing so, he laid the basis for controlling the release of energy from the atom. Thus, Einstein was one of the fathers of the nuclear age (Kevles, 1989). Setting out from the discoveries of the new quantum mechanics, he showed that light travels through space in a quantum form (as bundles of energy). This was clearly in contradiction to the previously accepted theory of light as a wave. In effect, Einstein revived the old corpuscular theory of light, but in an entirely different way. Here light was shown as a new kind of particle with duel nature, simultaneously displaying the properties of a particle and a wave. This startling theory made possible the retention of all the great discoveries of 19th century optics, including spectroscopes, as well as Maxwell’s equation. Einstein’s discovery of the law of equivalence of mass and energy is expressed in his famous equation E = mc2, which expresses the colossal energies locked up in the atom. This is the source of all the concentrated energy in the universe. The symbol ‘e’ represents energy (in ergs), ‘m’ stands for mass (in grams) and ‘c’ is the speed of light (in centimeters per second). The actual value of c2 is 900 billion billion. That is to say, the conversion of one gram of energy locked up in matter will produce a staggering 900 billion billion ergs. Einstein predicted that the mass of a moving object would increase at very high speeds. The discoveries of quantum mechanics demonstrated the correctness of the special theory of relativity, not only qualitatively, but quantitatively. The predictions of special relativity have been shown to correspond to the observed facts. Scientists discovered by experiment that gamma-rays could produce atomic particles, transforming the energy of light into matter. They also found that the minimum energy required to create a particle depended on its

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Charles Dickens - Essay Example However, the violence, human feelings and moral questions on the issue that Dickens raised cannot be questioned. French revolution, indeed, is an integral and significant part of history. It had its impacts on the minds and actions of people which cannot be denied. In that, Dickens concerns were true and honest. The events that the novel describes are beautifully and realistically portrayed. The novel makes the reader ‘live’ that age and understand the events of that period. Critics believe that Dickens was in favor of revolutionaries without paying much attention to the middle class social group of the 18th century and their contributions to the French revolution. T.A. Jackson (1930) suggests that the representation of Dickens is in support of the violent acts, cruel manners and vengeance to answer the feelings of domination that revolutionaries had. However, others view violence and revenge as a means of portraying the negativity of violent acts and the horrors of reve nge on the society, people and the involved parties themselves. Dickens depicts violence and revenge as the beginning of another violent and brutal disagreement rather than the end of the enmity that existed between two groups, a tale of two cities is analyzed to affirm Dickens’s firm believe on this notion . Annotated Bibliography Glancy, R. F.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Critically discuss why it has proved so difficult to curb child labour Essay

Critically discuss why it has proved so difficult to curb child labour - Essay Example Even with the implementation of laws within the local and international setting seeking to manage and reduce child labour incidents, this issue has remained a major problem. This essay shall now critically discuss why it has proved difficult to curb the child labour problem. An overview of the child labour problem will first be presented followed by issues and challenges relating to child labour. Possible proposals and recommendations to curb child labour will also be presented in this essay. Body About 246 million children are said to be involved in child labour according to the UNICEF1. About 20% of these children also work under very dangerous, unhealthy, and unsafe conditions, including work in mines, work with chemicals in agriculture, and working with hazardous machines2. Cases of child labour are also very extensive, covering various countries, and being subjected to different conditions, including work in their own homes. A good majority of these children are in the agricultu ral setting. There are also millions of young female children working as household helpers, often open to exploitation as well as abuse. Millions more are exposed to unfavourable conditions as they are subjected to trafficking, debt payments, slavery, child soldiering3, and prostitution4. Estimates indicate how Asia and the Pacific area have the biggest number of child labourers as young as 5 years to 14 years. Sub-Saharan Africa has about 48 million child labourers with Latin America and the Caribbean having about 17.4 million child labourers5. Fifteen percent of children in the Middle East and North Africa are also working with about 2.5 million and 2.4 million children subjected to work for developing and developing states6. This problem will likely continue to escalate and worsen in the years following due to the current unfavourable conditions present in these countries where child labour statistics are high. Child labour is very much related to rural activities. In Pakistan fo r example, close to 70% of their working children are carrying out agricultural works7. The young boys would likely be involved than girls in child labour and the older children are often involved in paid work8. The issue with child labour relates to the impact on the welfare of the children and the impact of such issue on households. In India, courts ruled against the practice of employing children in factories to make fireworks, including other dangerous occupations9. This is the idea which supports majority of the policy discussions on child labour and is the basis for ILO Convention No. 13810. The favourable impact to the household on allowing child labour mostly relates to economic benefits and the decreased educational cost in not sending the child to school11. The main costs relating to child labour refers to the possibly decreased future wages of the child as he or she would enter into the adult workforce; as he or she has lower educational attainment, his or her work qualif ications are compromised. There are specific accepted premises on child labour which should support the discussion. For one, it is very clear that child labour very much indicates poverty among households where children are living. In a review of studies which portray major negative relations between child labour and household income, such relationship is less relevant for the more progressive but

Friday, August 23, 2019

Chapter question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chapter question - Essay Example This is because the different stages of a process involve different scopes that require application of different theories. The transtheoritical theory however offers a framework for application of the different theories, appropriately, at each stage of a process (Butler, p. 43). The key stages in TTM are â€Å"pre-contemplation,† â€Å"contemplation,† â€Å"preparation,† â€Å"action,† â€Å"maintenance,† and â€Å"termination† while the key stages in PAPM are being unaware and unengaged about an issue, â€Å"deciding about acting,† â€Å"acting and maintenance† (p. 45). The two models are similar in a number of common stages such as acting and maintenance. They however also have differences in the stages. Pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, and termination stages in TTM for instance do not exist in PAPM. Similarly, some stages in PAPM such as a person’s preliminary unawareness or un-engagement by the subject matter, the process of deciding to act or deciding not to act do not exist in TTM. The Transtheoritical Model and the Precaution Adoption Process Model therefore have both similarities and differences in their stages of implementation (Butler, p.